Welcome to REBICA 2024



REncontre annuelle de BIoinformatique à l'université Côte d'Azur:

We are happy to announce the REBICA event which will be held at the "INSPE" Nice (https://inspe.univ-cotedazur.fr/) – main Amphitheatre, the 1st July 2024.

REBICA for "REncontre annuelle BIoinformatique à l'université Côte d'Azur" aims to be a one-day meeting for the bioinformatics community around the côte dAzur.

This day will be combined with the Nice-Seq seminar *, which takes place in the afternoon. Nice-Seq is a regular seminar that proposes recent studies related to sequences analysis. The morning session will focus on local initiatives, including presentations of the bioinformatics platforms and selected students works.The day will conclude with presentations by local bioinformatics-related companies on their technical and research activities.

It is a good opportunity for all people involved in bioinformatics to come and discuss to create new opportunities.
This meeting includes lunch and diner. Registration is free but mandatory, on this site.

* About the Nice-Seq seminar :

The goal of these series is to have crossdisciplinary seminars from people working in Nice - Villefranche - Sophia Antipolis area who are interested in Bioinformatics approaches; presentations are given every 3 months by PhD students, postdocs and researchers; the venue rotates between the different institutes. The first five editions were exclusively centered on next generation sequencing approaches, including methods, protocols, analyses, and applications. Since the 5th edition, the program was opening to chemoinformatics.

Organizing commitee

Christophe Bécavin, Olivier Croce, Antoine Fortuné, Martine Da Rocha, Gianni Liti, Edoardo Sarti, Silvia Bottini, Karine Robbe-Sermesant, Michele Trabucchi.

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